YN scattering data: RU67
The experiment:
In the Saclay 81 cm Hydrogen Bubble Chamber which was exposed to a beam
of K- mesons from the Proton-Synchroton at CERN.
Reactions of the produced Σ particles were studied.
75000 films were scanned.
Several hundred elastic events were seen.
The data:
Σ- p → Σ- p
total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range mean number of SGT [mb]
[MeV/c] momentum [MeV/c] events
125 - 165 150 25 166 +/- 33
Σ+ p → Σ+ p
total cross section (SGT)
momentum range mean number of SGT [mb]
[MeV/c] momentum [MeV/c] events
140 - 175 161.5 9 83 +/- 34
No notes